General Purpose Cement
Boral Cement’s Blue Circle® General Purpose Cement exceeds the requirements for type GP cement in the Australian Standard AS 3972 – General purpose and blended cements.
General Purpose Lime
Blue Circle® General Purpose Lime is a premium quality hydrated lime. The product’s purity and fineness make it suitable for all building applications.
Off White Cement
Blue Circle® Off White Cement is a general purpose cement complying with AS 3972, type GP. Blue Circle Off White Cement is produced from a specially manufactured light coloured Portland cement clinker which provides the unique colour of this cement.
Blue Circle® Pave-Lok® is a lightly bonded jointing sand specially formulated to allow rapid filling of vertical joints between segmental pavers. We recommend use on flexible pavements.
Southern White Cement
Blue Circle® Southern White Cement is a pure white general purpose Portland cement. It is ideally suited to applications that require a brilliant white finish.